Sunday, September 26, 2010

Philosophy, reason and meaning. Books by A.C. Grayling.

"Grayling teaches philosophy at the University of London, writes a weekly column for the Guardian, and frequently contributes to the New York Times Book Review, among other publication"

The Reason of Things: Living with Philosophy by A. C. Grayling (Paperback - 2003)
My price: HK$50 (US$7) cash on delivery MTR Central.

The Meaning of Things: Applying Philosophy to Life by A. C. Grayling (Paperback - 2002)
My price: HK$50 (US$7) cash on delivery MTR Central.

What is Good?: The Search for the Best Way to Live by A. C. Grayling (Paperback - 2004),
My price: HK$60 (US$8) cash on delivery MTR Central.

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